Nearfall Wrestling Forums

Find answers, ask questions, and connect with the wrestling community.

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  • Welcome to the Nearfall Wrestling Forums

    Posted by Craig Grella on December 10, 2023 at 3:38 am

    Congratulations on starting your journey with wrestling – the oldest and best sport in the world!  Whether you’re a parent or a wrestler, these forums will be your guide and your roadmap to success.

    Please take a moment to understand how the Nearfall website is setup, so you can navigate it most efficiently and get the information you want quickly.


    At its heart, this website is a community forum where users can post questions, get answers, and network with other wrestling enthusiasts. There are several forums organized as main topics. Inside those forums are discussions. Discussions are individual topics that relate to the main topic. You’re reading a discussion right now!

    Discussions provide answers to popular questions from community members. Some just provide information on a specific topic. Discussions can include images, videos, and other embedded media.

    Some discussions are longer, educational articles that take deep dives into topics, while others are shorter posts. But anyone can add a discussion. If you want to ask a question, add it as a discussion. If you want to let someone know about something, add it as a discussion. But before you do, run a quick search to see if someone else has already asked the same question or one of the community members has already answered something similar. If so, you should navigate to that question/discussion and just add a reply onto it. A community member will eventually pick it up and answer you or reply.

    You can view all forums and discussions on the Forums page.


    Each site member has their own profile on this site. While this site is not meant to be a social network, you can add basic information and view all of your network activity in one place along with the posts from other members you follow. You can navigate to your profile by clicking on your icon at the top right of any page and the clicking Profile.

    You can view and network with other members of the community (and follow their updates) on the Members page. There, you can search and filter by the member’s first or last name, or any other information that might be present on a member’s profile.

    If someone mentions your username in any of the forums, you’ll receive a notification on your profile and in the notification area at the top right of any page. That way you can quickly access the discussion where your name was mentioned.


    In addition to getting your questions answered in the forums, you can also enroll in online courses which walk you through topics, arranged in lessons, each one building on the one before it.

    You can view the current learning curriculum on the Courses Page.

    Let’s Learn the Rules…

    There’s just one more thing to do before jumping in. Please take a moment and read the Rules of the Mat – the guidelines for posting on this website. This is a family site and we want to keep it clean.

    You can read the rules here.




    Craig Grella replied 1 year, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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